A2 Cargo team building event
Recent A2 Cargo team building event: Getting to know your team mates from new perspective
The Team Building
Working in the team always requires some skills: negotiation, understanding, empathy are only few of them. One of the most important abilities is to be able to read and understand the person you are working with. Especially if you are involved in logistics with constant need to adopt to changing circumstances. Whenever you are appointed to take care of time and temperature sensitive shipment, there is a bunch of challenges attacking you a very last minute. It is natural you sometimes need support or you are expected to provide some to your team colleagues. Therefore a good relationship and understanding is critical. The Team Building event helps to make it easier.
The Mafia
Mafia is a well known team building game requiring psychological, mathematical and social skills. Group of participants is split into two groups. Some of them belong to the dark side of Mafia, while others are citizens, having a Sheriff and sometime a Doctor among them. And then the night comes into the town, the suspenseful music brings some excitement and the hunt begins. Manipulations, argumentation, suspicions even lie: which of your colleagues is best on each of these? Who is nervous while telling lies? Who has a secret power of proper argumentation under stress?
The Event
Our team was looking forward to this event for several weeks. After the peak season slowed down, we have agreed on a lovely freezing Saturday evening to make our secrets skills our sharpest weapon. Professional Mafia organizer – Mafia Events – arranges all the attributes of the game, so that every second we would stay under pressure. No matter if you are trusted a role of a Mafia Boss or a Sheriff, there is emotional pressure coming from inside you. Nervous speech. Logical mistakes. Funny fails. Everything may lead your opponent to the darkest secret. Then the masks fall and you stay surprised when a most calm person, the one, who always stays quite and reactive appears to be the Boss, who wins the game. Hard to believe how much secret skills everyone of us is carrying undetected.
Despite a great time spent in this Team Building event it was full of discoveries. Both those of colleagues sitting in front of you as well as those of yourself. Reflection of your behavior and mind flow under constantly changing stressful environment which sometimes remind us an usual Friday in Supply Chain, helps to growth mentally and emotionally. Giving support to your team mate and being able to accept some back builds and strengthens relationship inside the team. At the end of the day we all got something to think about and the next Monday there was a way stronger Team that started a new week. We are happy of having each other and being able to detect when a support is needed to be given and when to be accepted.
Let’s keep in contact!